Latest Kitchen Systems Trend in Singapore in 2024

This is no longer the era where kitchens are hidden parts of a home, and guests will have to get special coordinates to locate them. Kitchens, in as much as they are an important section of every house, have risen to another level as they demand an exquisite and modern design. This demand is high in many parts of the world but higher in countries with diverse food cultures like Singapore.

Kichenate is Singapore’s premium interior design agency that offers stunning, practical, and functional designs for Singapore HDB homes and businesses. There are also lots of inspirations for new designs to be made from — talk about having energy-saving appliances in place. 

Remember that living spaces are getting smaller at the same rate that lifestyles are getting faster or rather busier. It’s left for you to either be a genius and choose a design for your kitchen or pick from our selection of the latest kitchen system trends in Singapore. In this article, we will explore the existing design trends for kitchens and all that needs to be known about them. For inspirational HDB interior design ideas in Singapore, check out this article.

Top Kitchen System Trends in Singapore 2024

There are many recommendations for kitchen systems, and in this section, we will be looking at trends that have proven to be:

  • Energy efficient;
  • Built with sustainable materials;
  • Helpful in decluttering.

Above all, they make the kitchen more stylish than before. The trends include the following:

Pull Down Shelf

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This is a design that is reputed to be very popular with most kitchen lovers as it is easy to use even for those handicapped — due to its organisation and accessibility.

Pull-down shelves are regarded as versatile in the features they add to a kitchen space, which, most importantly, is that they bring order to any space where they are mounted. Their versatility in Singapore has seen them being deployed in places such as:

  • Hospitals;
  • Kitchens;
  • Laundry houses;
  • Offices.

The stainless steel kitchen design trend is also an ideal tool for any homemaker who wishes to keep their wards away from potentially dangerous items. These systems are quite appropriate for minimalist kitchen design in Singapore.

Internal Drawers

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The best chefs and kitchen workers in Singapore have described this design as one of the ways to make the best possible use of every space you can find in your kitchen.

Internal drawers in a Singapore HDB kitchen are basically for storing items like cutlery, pots, and pans. You can also use it to declutter your kitchen by getting taller ones to hide entire compartments in one move. There are many designs that you can explore, and they include the following:

  • Pull-out drawer units: You get to drag this as you do with regular drawers, but you are exposed to a lot of shelves that you can easily resize by raising them a bit and pulling them out. With this move, you create more space for bigger items by either removing shelves or keeping them lower or higher in the drawer.
  • Swing-out pantry units: This pattern opens like a regular door, and its shelves have little room for adjustment. They are ideal for storing small items like bottles or jars.
  • Swing-out larder unit: This is one of the most popular designs of internal drawers in Singapore due to its AI-esque move. The highly adjustable shelves advance towards you as the door is pulled. You can create more space for your bigger items by removing some shelves.

There are other designs that you may wish to explore, and as we indicated earlier, more Singaporeans are open to tasking producers with new designs to suit their kitchen setting or special taste. 

Corner Basket

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Many people regard this modern kitchen design idea as being magical due to the way it operates out of nowhere. This is an innovation to the timeless demand for space in the kitchen. 

You certainly need a space to store your items such as spice bottles, pans, and pots and more space to stand around to carry out other kitchen activities; corner baskets come to the rescue. A fact to keep in mind is that a packed kitchen can make your house look untidy and take away any classiness your home has, regardless of the kind of money you have spent on your HDB interior design

Using upper and lower kitchen cabinets to store kitchen utensils is cool, but what do you do with those items that you don’t use all the time? The idea is not to have to avoid them in your space all day when you don’t have a use for them. You store them out of sight until there is a need for them; that’s where corner baskets come in.

They are usually located in the tight corners of your kitchen counter, with up to four trays for maximum storage capacity of your rarely used food items. Now, you have more space in the rest of your cabinets to store other items. 

All you need for this design to take place is a space of about three feet or more under your kitchen counter. Enough to make you store and forget about the noisiest items or the shiniest ones you have in your kitchen.

Lift Up System

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With the average height of a Singaporean sitting at 173cm, according to Worlddata, it may take an extra effort for an average citizen to open shelves without employing the use of stools or chairs. If you are already struggling to get items from your high cabinet in the kitchen, you may be better served by a lift-up system.

Updated versions of this kitchen system allow users to get to their desired cabinets with just a press of a button. While the older and more popular versions can be fitted with either:

  • Stay lifts;
  • Bi-fold lifts;
  • Parallel lifts.

With this system in place, cooking can become easier, and trying to navigate a kitchen will no longer require any special skill as the lift-up system can work with a wide variety of cabinets and doors. From this article, we can deduce that the need to cook with style and ease in Singapore is increasing, as well as a demand for kitchen designs that allow sustainability and low maintenance. 


The use of stainless steel in making some of these modern kitchen items, like pull-down shelves, for easy handling. This also increases the durability of the Kitchenate designs as there may be little need for a replacement in a short while due to rusting or heat.

Materials like reclaimed wood are also used to construct some items, like parts of the internal drawer system and corner baskets. This goes a long way in promoting eco-friendliness in Singapore HDB kitchens while increasing accessibility and storage. Now, with the implementation of these amazing HDB kitchen designs mentioned in this article, you can enjoy having your household items and kitchen utensils in one place —with enough room to spare. These designs also add a wave of modern, durable elegance to the kitchen space. Contact Kitchenate today for more information and consultation regarding HDB interior design and HDB Kitchen design.

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